Saturday, September 14, 2024
So Ahab sent unto all the children of Israel, and gathered the prophets together unto mount Carmel.
I Kings 18:21
Following The Good Shepherd, not only requires your release to Him but also your trust in Him. The Good Shepherd is the one who is responsible for your navigation of life, the pathway that leads to God’s will fulfilled in your life, the place of your promise of life and life more abundantly. Therefore, in your commending you and your spirit to God, it demands your willingness to trust that even though you may have to endure the darkness of uncertainty from the sixth to the ninth hour, the confrontation of evil, knowing your resurrection, your morning is coming. Ahab's, or people, places, or things of your life, intentions may have been one thing but the people had to confront and choose who they would serve, and you must also, to Open Up The Way. Your release and trust in The Good Shepherd is your bold action, in the face of your gates, the challenges of your life, to possess and seize your promises, your positioning to be fruitful and multiply, enjoying your life and life more abundantly.