The Springs is a congregation that seeks to assist individuals in viewing and developing each life experience as empowering and directional for their purposed lives as well as expand their present realities to live in the promises of God. We seek to accomplish this assignment by sharing Christ with as many people as possible through witnessing and mission outreach; to be a church that ministers unselfishly in our community and to be involved in the betterment of that community; to aid as we are able; and to bring relief to those who are in bondage to poverty, ignorance, fear, prejudice, or hostility.
Our History
In May of 2007, after much prayer and deliberations for the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit, 75 individuals came together to form Springs of Life-Giving Water Church with Pastor William Mathis as their Pastor. Initially, the worshipping community also known as The Springs, begin as a bible study meeting with the prayers and encouragement of Pastor Mattie Darden and Pastor Willa Moody at the Agape Church of New Haven, CT. However, after the meeting of that bible study for only two weeks, the body formalized its commitment to the assignment of creating a place where people could meet God where they were and become everything He intends. That commitment was affirmed by the Holy Spirit subsequent to fellowship services with the people of Bible Gospel Center, Pastor Gwendolyn Goode, of Hamden, CT and the people of Church On The Rock, Pastor Todd and Leslie Foster, of New Haven, CT.
On Mother's Day, May 13, 2007, The Springs held its first morning worship experience at 8AM in the sanctuary of the Agape Church. Since that date, The Springs has continued to worship and go forth as a Body of Christ. In addition to the initial 75 members, the Lord has continued to add to the ministry, nearly doubling. Shortly after the formalization of the church, The Springs established an Executive Council to advise the Pastor, hired staff that included an Administrative Assistant, Minister of Music, and a musician. Further, Ministries were established under the headings of the Ministry of Worship, Ministry of Wholeness, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Service; and three Ministers have been licensed and one sent out to Pastor.
It is without a shadow of a doubt that God has established and led the ministry, if He had not we would in no way be empowered to go forth with the energy, resources, and levels of commitment and love that is expressed within the ranks of The Springs. Evidence of God’s empowerment has manifested through continuous growth and development of the ministry with 2 Sunday morning Worship Experiences with the addition of Children’s Church, 7 different Bible Studies in addition to 2 weekly Pastor’s Teaching Experiences, 2 weekly Corporate Prayer Experiences as well as a traveling Prayer Band to the sick and shut-in, an Evangelistic Team, 2 Recovery Support Groups, and many other ministries of out reach so that all would become everything that God intended . As a result of the commitment to God and His vision for ministry we relocated from our birthplace to 31 Sperry Street, leasing the former Shaw Memorial AME Zion Church, which provided us more room and facility to support our ministry work and the expansion of our membership. At our Sperry Street location we grew numerically and spiritually, positioning us to purchase our own property at Howard Avenue and Lamberton Street, formerly the Church of The Ascension (Episcopal) on March 31, 2016. On Sunday, April 17, 2017 we said goodbye to our Sperry Street location and on Sunday, April 24, 2017 receive the challenge to Occupy Ministry at Howard Avenue and Lamberton Street
We pray that as we move forward that God would continue to be gracious to us and the Holy Spirit forever will be present in all we do, leading and guiding us to springs of life-giving water! To God be the Glory!
The Springs is the place where God meets us in the context of a liberating and relevant worship experience in order that Christ will lead us through our everyday experiences and empower us to spring forth as His witness in our lives, our communities, and our world. (Revelation 7:14-17)
To assist people and communities in becoming all God intends through worship, wholeness, education, and service in a spirit of excellence. (Matthew 28:19-20)