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By Silvanus, a faithful brother unto you, as I suppose, I have written briefly, exhorting, and testifying that this is the true grace of God wherein ye stand.

I Peter 6:12

Being Chosen by God for the fulfillment of His purpose and plan is made real in and through our lives as we choose to live, move, and have our being in our Chosen-ness. As we flow in what God has Chosen for our lives it becomes evident to all that where we are, what and how we do what we do, and where we are going reveals God’s faithfulness to and through us. The revelation of God’s faithfulness is made real by the power of God’s presence, power, and promises fulfilled in our life, His amazing grace, favor, which points all to God as Master, Lord of life, and everything. Thus, as we operate in God’s Chosen-ness we avail ourselves of the opportunity to allow God to shine in and through us, and as such because of the largeness of God, His inability to be contained, He in and through us illuminates in abundance. Let your life be the vessel of God shining in and through you by living, moving, and having your being in Him and His purpose for your life, fully operating in your Most Favored Status.


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