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his is what Jesus prayed as he looked up into heaven, “Father, the time has come. Unveil the glorious splendor of your Son so that I will magnify your glory! You have already given me authority over all people so that I may give the gift of eternal life to all those that you have given to me. Eternal life means to know and experience you as the only true God, and to know and experience Jesus Christ, as the Son whom you have sent. I have glorified you on the earth by faithfully doing everything you’ve told me to do. So my Father, restore me back to the glory that we shared together when we were face-to-face before the universe was created.”

John 17:1-5 (TPT)

The ability to face the challenges of life with confidence that you will win and walk in the life and life more abundantly that is yours is rooted in your faith in the Lord who has Chosen you for your life and made you the crown of His glory. Understand that God wishes to reveal His sovereignty over life through you and thus you can engage the challenges of life from the perspective that you can and will win, therefore, go forth and overcome to inherit the expected end of God's promises fulfilled in your life. Look to God, your faith and confidence in Him, and allow your relationship with Him to control, live, move, and have your being in your Most Favored Status. God has Chosen you, act like it, and live on top of the world, including life’s challenges revealing God in the fullness of His presence, power, and promises fulfilled for life and life more abundantly!


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Phone: 1-203-497-8101

Fax: 1-866-230-7659


The Springs of Life-Giving Water Church

375 Howard Avenue
New Haven, CT  06519

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33 Lamberton Street

New Haven, CT 06519

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