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That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him: In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will: That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.

Ephesians 1:10-12

You and I have been chosen by God and in our chosen-ness, we have been anointed for the express purposes of engaging, navigating, and representing God in each and every one of our experiences. As you and I embrace our chosen-ness and anointing for the life that is ours, exercising our power of ownership of our life, we will overcome whatever stands in the way of us living the life and life more abundantly promised by God. God chose us and anointed us to live in and through whatever we face. Absolutely nothing about your life is a surprise to God. God predestined our pathway of life, incorporating, even our wrong turns and failings, using them to reveal Himself in our lives while also using each experience, good or bad, to uncover abilities, gifts within us in order that we reach our destiny of life and life more abundantly as promised. It is your Power Of Witness that is extracted in and through your everyday experiences as you realize and reveal God’s power, including but not limited to His choosing and anointing you. Do not allow the “stuff” of life, despite and in spite of difficulties and/or complexities, keep you from extracting the power within you, your Power Of Witness. God already knew and knows and has prepared, chosen and anointed you, that you would have everything you need to destroy whatever you face, that which attempts to bind you and/or hinder the fulfillment of God’s promises in and over your life. In the dispensation of time, if you believe and act on that belief, God’s Spirit is ready and available for you to flow in God’s intent for your life. Catch The Wind of God’s Spirit for it has been intently given to you and made available for you to be alive, a living soul, witness of God power, love, and favor!

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