For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20
We must remain sane in all things knowing that we are not alone, despite and in spite of the struggles, disappointments, and confusion of our lives, even admins our present uncertainties and unknowns of COVID-19. Because of social or physical distancing, we must adhere to in order to deter the spread of this dangerous COVID-19 pandemic, however, we must resist the devil that plays on our minds to make us feel as though we are by ourselves, even though we are alone. We may be alone but we cannot lef it slip into loneliness in which our mind will take ownership of us instead of we owning and driving our mind and thoughts, exercising our Power Of Ownership. Even though I may not be able to be with and/or touch someone in the physical nature, it does not prevent me from touching and agreeing with someone in the spirit. Please understand that in all of God’s, Jesus’, and the Holy Ghost’s teachings and experiences it transcends the flesh, the natural to the Spirit which allows for what is not to become what should be. Find you a gathering in the Spirit, a collection of people of your life that serve as support to the power source of God in your life, adapters if you will, that can and will unite with you, touching and agreeing, through the struggles, disappointments, and confusion of your life and God is there with you. In the presence of God there is the fullness of joy and at His right hand pleasures forever more; Catch The Wind of God’s Spirit as a result of you touching and agreeing and be lifted up, high above your struggles, disappointments, and confusion to see your way out and over. Get in the space, perimeter of God, with the support of the Spirit of God in those who would believe with you and the light of God will come on and Catch The Wind to see your way out and over, overcoming and inheriting all things as promised by God for your life and life more abundantly!