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And David behaved himself wisely in all his ways; and the Lord was with him. Wherefore when Saul saw that he behaved himself very wisely, he was afraid of him. But all Israel and Judah loved David, because he went out and came in before them.

I Samuel 18:14-16

Live Prosperous by moving and operating in the purpose and plan of God for your life. The path of life that God has designated for you will have its ups and downs, twists and turns, some sun and yes, some rain but be assured that God has spoken over your life that you are to LIVE and do so abundantly. Pace yourself through it all, especially life’s challenges, God is with you and because of His presence there is nothing and no one you have to fear. God has overcome the world and is the God Creator and Systems Administrator over all life. Things may not happen the way you want or even move at the pace you desire but be ye steadfast unmovable knowing that your labor, diligently pursuing His purpose and plan for your life, will not be in vain but yield your life and life more abundantly. David was anointed King, not because of a right or even his perfection but because it was God’s purpose and plan and through it all, the wiles of evil and even His own mistakes, God’s Word was triumphant and He overcame it all to LIVE in God’s promises to Him. The keys to David’s overcoming life and its challenges as well as HIs own frailties was the continuous abiding and dwelling in the presence of God. Spend your energy in being with God and He with you and you will LIVE in the fullness of God’s purpose and plan for you to Live Prosperous in and through all things!


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