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That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;

Colossians 1:10-11

Our strength to navigate life and its challenges are found in us Living On Purpose. You and I were created to give God glory and God has established a specific route for us to travel that will reveal God and His purpose and plan for our lives. Absolutely nothing happens in our lives by happenstance or accident, it is all Divinely ordered,. God has ordered our steps and the key to life is to be sensitive to God’s direction and flow in it. The pathway of God’s promise for our life and life more abundantly will be cluttered with deterrents but in everything God has a plan and purpose that also deposits in us and reveals through us the power to LIVE. The challenge before each of us is to decide to LIVE and not die, a decision that is met with the strength of God empowering us from within and from His presence, in and before our steps, to overcome and inherit all things, God’s promise of life and life more abundantly. Walk worthy of God’s plan and purpose for your life shattering whatever stands in between you and God’s promise, you will be strengthen with His might and power. Living On Purpose releases us from life and its challenges, including our weaknesses to God’s strength to combat the vicissitudes of life, joy of the Lord which is our strength, in order to endure and overcome, LIVE!


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