For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.
Ephesians 2:18
The importance of oneness with the Spirit of God is critical to Fully Live in His promises. The Spirit, the Holy Ghost, cannot be substituted with only me-ism, materialism, or self convenience of motivation to advance you in the life and life more abundantly promised, kit is just simply not enough. The Creator-God intended that if we are to be living souls it is directly related to His Spirit, the essence of God dwelling and activating within us. It was not until God blew into us, His breathe, the wind, His Spirit that we became living souls, a united front of Spirit and flesh. There is nothing like a united force in which one can overcome adversaries that seek to devour you. Spend more time uniting with the Spirt of the Creator God within you and accomplish what appears impossible in order to LIVE in the fullness of the life and life more abundantly promised. God’s Spirt has been given to you so you can be alive, alive to that which God has created you to be, the purpose and calling of your life. God speaks and it comes into existence and thus as His Word for your life, your promises are untied with you, you become at one, meaning of atonement, with purpose of the Spirit of God dwelling in you, empowering you from within to engage and overcome any and all things. God intentionally blew His Spirit into you for you to conform and unite with Him to accomplish everything He has declared for your life. We have access to God’s promises through Him, His Spirit, the Word of promise for our lives LIVE in it. It is God’s Spirit that sets us free, gives us the creative power, supported by our faith that empowers us to accomplish what should be for our lives as declared by God. Take possession of your password, your access key by uniting with, developing and nurturing God’s Spirit within you and His that promise He will do exceedingly, abundantly, more than we can ever ask or think by the power, the Holy Ghost, God’s Spirit within you and LIVE.