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For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Romans 14:17

Visioneering, looking for the well-lived and joy filled life, the life and life more abundantly promised, is not about things but instead about a state of mind and heart that brings about peace and joy. The right kind of living promised by God is living in such a way that you have peace and joy. Peace is not the absence of conflict but instead an overcoming power that does not allow the vicissitudes of life to steal your joy. Being determined for life and life more abundantly, Occupying Your Promise is God’s gift, to all, that allows us to press our way through whatever is before us and win, live fully! Living fully declares that we enjoy the favor; grace of God and where we are weak God makes us strong. God’s desire is that you would live abundantly in and through all things, the things of your life have no power over the narrative of your well-lived and joy filled life if you choose to live. Choosing to live is seeking, receiving, and living in the blessings of God in all things, to Occupy Your Promise!

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