And they waited for me as for the rain;
and they opened their mouth wide as for the latter rain.
Job 29:23
Trusting and relying on the Lord is the hallmark of our faith. It is our faith in God, confidence and reliance on Him in which we please God and triggers His presence, power, and promises in our lives as a reward for diligently pursuing Him. God Himself is HIs Word and His Word was made flesh through Christ which released the Holy Ghost, His Spirit to sustain us through life to the fulfillment of God’s promises. The functioning of God’s Spirit in our lives, leads and guides us through the pathway of life, including its challenge, to our place of promise, life and life more abundantly. The fuel for the activation and level of God’s Spirt operating in our lives is the fuel of our faith. When we choose to have faith in God, despite and in spite of our circumstances, internally as well as externally, we actively engage life to possess that which God has declared should be for our lives. Therefore, we are constantly in a spirit of expectancy, awaiting with open mouths, active engaged lives, for the fulfillment of God’s Word, His Word made flesh in our lives. We await with expectation the rain, abundance of rain from God and as we wait, Catch The Wind of His Spirit leading and guiding, navigating us through life’s circumstances to our destiny, place of fulfilled promises, our life and life more abundantly and thus are empowered to Tell It!