Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word. With my whole heart have I sought thee:
O let me not wander from thy commandments. Thy word have I hid in mine heart,
that I might not sin against thee. Blessed art thou, O LORD:
teach me thy statutes. With my lips have I declared
all the judgments of thy mouth. I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies,
as much as in all riches. I will meditate in thy precepts,
and have respect unto thy ways. I will delight myself in thy statutes:
I will not forget thy word.
Psalm 119:9-16
The power of our ability to Breathe: New Life is manifested in its cleansing value which helps us to operate at our maximum potential for living life and life more abundantly. Whenever we are filled with too much stuff; excessive baggage, toxic materials, weights, and labels that are not intended for us we are weighed down and hampered, hindered in our press forward and/or take off to what can and should be for our lives. The more we free ourselves of necessary baggage and toxic materials to our life the better equipped we are to face whatever adversary that stands in our way or hinders our progress toward our expected end. Breathe: New Life and naturally Exhale the excessive baggage and toxicity accumulated throughout your life experiences and press toward the higher calling for you! The continuous carrying of excessive baggage and toxicity will cause you to live beneath your potential and distract you from the fulfillment of your truth, the Word of God for your life causing you to miss opportunities to seize and possess your promises. Cleanse your way by taking deep breaths of new life and allow your new life to Exhale the excess that distracts, deters, and downright deviates you from your word of truth, the promise of your life and life more abundantly!