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In the shelter of your presence you hide them from all human intrigues; you keep them safe in your dwelling from accusing tongues.

Psalm 31:20 (NIV)

Breathe: New Life to your circumstances as you seek to be in the presence of God, the presence of His Word of truth for your life and with that Word of truth you dwell, reside in the presence of God. God and His Word are inseparable and so the more you Inhale that which is the Word of truth for your life, including everyone and everything that supports your visionnerring and your subsequent actions, you will be empowered to execute your truth, revealing God and thus, His presence in and over your life! God’s presence in your life provides you the necessary shelter and assistance required to overcome obstacles, difficulties, and impossibilities beyond your human limitations; to wrought wonders in your life. Go ahead and take a deep breath, Inhale God’s presence and abide in the shadows of His ability to shelter, guide, protect, and cause you to be triumphant in and through all things. As you Inhale the presence of God, God the Spirit flows through you equipping and transforming your being for the new life that is yours, just Breathe: New Life!


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