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For when we were in the realm of the flesh, the sinful passions aroused by the law were at work in us, so that we bore fruit for death.

Romans 7:5 (NIV)

We have been Set Apart by God so that we would be positioned to bear fruit and to do so abundantly. God, the Creator of all things, specifically create a world in which He gave us His delegated authority to go forth to accomplish His purpose and plan and in so doing be fruitful and multiply. However, life is filled with challenges and obstacles that seek to separate us from God’s intent; preventing us from making God’s Word, His intent, flesh, real in our lives. Thus, God blew into us His Spirit, the essence of who He is, and as a result, we became living souls. Our having the essence of God, His Spirit is the very power that He chose to give us that Set Apart our lives from all of His creation. With the Spirit of God, we are empowered from within to resist the enemy's powers, the vehicles seeking to separate us from the light of God, and the fulfillment of His intent for our lives. Activate the Spirit of God in you and live, yielding an abundance, being fruitful, and multiplying for it is a direct result of your Most Favored Status in which He has Set Apart your life.


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