And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.
Mark 14:36
We see in the Garden of Gethsemane, the pressing place, Jesus as a result of His intimate and personal relationship with God, His Father, His Abba-Daddy, call on Him in His time of stress for both direction and relief. It is the modeled behavior of Jesus, our joint-heir, brother, in which we learn that we can be released from the overwhelming responsibilities of the challenges of our lives and receive direction and relief. Please note in getting direction through the process of overcoming our challenges, does not necessarily mean that relief is immediate, you very well may have to endure the cross. However, because we are the children of God we can with trust and confidence be assured that following God’s path, His calling, we will never settle for less and in so doing bring to bear our inheritance as His children, the fullness of God’s presence, power, and promises fulfilled even as we endure the cross. Go ahead and release yourself to the will of your Father, your Daddy and navigate the challenges of your life, despite and in spite of them in a Most Favored Status, nevertheless.