Therefore say thou unto them, Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Turn ye unto me, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will turn unto you, saith the Lord of hosts.
Zechariah 1:3
The Power Of Giving is activated as we give, return unto God that which He has given unto us. It is God’s specific intent to bless you that you might bless your space and world. As we pour out what God pours into us we serve as His visible presence and actors in the world. Thus, The Lord of hosts says, return unto me by giving, pouring out of the presence, power, and promises of God activated in your life as a model, light unto others and all God’s creation. God created you and I and the world for His glory, revelation, and as a result placed us at the helm to ensure He would be revealed. And though life’s challenges and obstacles get in the way of our being God’s living and visible presence in the world He has given us His Spirit to make us alive, despite and in spite of all things and any one. Catch The Wind and blow, flow, pour out of God’s presence, power, and promises revealed in and through you, illuminating your space and the world with God’s glory, revelation!