But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.
I Peter 5:10
To be Fruitful and Multiply is a process that is forged through experiences that may not look productive but are necessary. God has called, commanded us all to be Fruitful and Multiply but the challenge is to LIVE through the process to the expected end. Life’s challenges and difficulties are real and will affect you and what you do, however, you must remain focused through the challenges and difficulties to prevent the ill affects of those challenges and difficulties from getting you to your expected end. God will not allow anything to come against you which you and Him are not able to overcome. God is in charge and thus anything and all things are subject to Him. LIVE and draw on God, your relationship with Him that yields the power and strength of the Almighty Creator and Lord of all things. You and I are fashioned through he process, the journey of life with all of its twists and turns, ups and downs to overcome and inherit all things, the very promises for our life and life more abundantly!