Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen.
Romans 15:33
Transformed Lives depicts the peace of God. Peace is the state of being that no matter what is going on we are at one with the will of God, harmony with what He is up to in our life and the world we exist. To be at harmony with the will of God especially during the difficult times of life demands our remembering that life is a process. The process may take twists and turns but our confidence, faith in the God of life and the God of peace empowers us from within to endure. By no means does this suggest that we are laughing our way through our hardships but instead we are resolved that even in the midst of the hell and corruption we may experience that all things will work together for the good. Our resolution of the expected end, the life and life more abundantly fuels our advancement through our storms to the other side. Occupy Your Promise gripped with the peace of God, knowing and believing that what you are going through will not last and is a part of the process to get you to your expected end, the hope and manifestation of your life and life more abundantly!