And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.
Luke 9:62
Living in The Spirit transforms our mindset to one that is always looking forward. We press because The Spirit of the Lord begs us higher in all things, the good and the bad. As people of The Spirit we allow the wind, the lifting and carrying of The Spirit, to carry us forward into places and spaces before unimaginable. Pressing forward through all things reveals God in His fullness of power and love manifested in our lives, not that you and I deserve anything but the God we serve provides us all things. It is in our pressing and overcoming the difficulties and even the status quo of our lives says to us and to our world that nothing is impossible with God. We are God’s witnesses, His ambassadors and as result we represent Him and who He is and what He can do in and through all things. Let’s Go In pressing forward through and in all things revealing God’s awesome power and love to and for us and the world!