Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.
Luke 12:3
When we Expose the light of God’s Word, His truth for our life and life more abundantly, to our life, challenges, and experiences we have a more discerning nature toward our choices, decisions, and our actions. Turn on the light, it helps you to see better and thus make better choices. The darkness gives permission for you not to thoroughly engage your choices because it hides what could be a problem as well as ignore the hidden and secret things, feeding hesitation and fear which causes us to make bad choices, actions, and decisions. Let your light shine and Expose the darkness of your life, refusing to allow the unknown, hidden, and secret to prevent you from accessing and living in God’s promises for your life. God has you covered and will use the unknown, hidden, and secret things of your life to bring forth your anointing, your Most Favored Status.