My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.
Psalm 84:2 (NIV)
Though life and its challenges weigh heavy on us and we often can wear them with both guilt and shame, it is our yearning, crying out for the New Mercies of God in which we are sustained and have hope. Having hope is essential to being able to Breathe: New Life into our circumstances whether or not the death has been created by outside influences or within our own being and actions. Hope overcomes the challenges as well as the guilt and shame of the experiences so that we can Breathe: New Life. Do not allow your shortcomings, inadequacies, or lack of capacity to stand in the way of your promises of God, for whatever reason, yearn for, long after, cry out for New Mercies to God and He will provide what you need to overcome, and inherit all things!