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Do all things without murmurings and disputings:

Philippians 2:14

Our Power Of Giving is authentic as we give from our hearts. It is through our hearts that our actions are genuine and thus as our hearts are conformed to the likeness of Christ and God’s love to and for us, our actions in turn make God’s Word flesh. Whatever we do we should do it heartily, with our whole heart and outpouring of God’s love as if we were doing it unto God. The more we have a healthy and maturing relationship with the God of love we transform our hearts, thinking, and thus our actions to conform to God as His visible presence and representative in the world. Whatever you do, do it without murmurings or complaining, Catch The Wind of God’s Spirit and flow with Him and His love, spreading abroad His presence, power, and promises to and for the world and for the fulfillment of His promises of life and life more abundantly for all.

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