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Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?

I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43:18-19

Transformed Lives are released from the old in order to fully embrace the new. The release is necessary, although it may be difficult and cause pain, the suffering from bursting froth from what was to what shall be is required to handle and fully enjoy the new. The new is defined not by what was but instead what shall become. The more one is focused on what you are becoming, what your space will be, the more sensitive you are to the God provided opportunities for your life and life more abundantly. Building out your well-lived and joy filled life requires a plan and focused determination to fulfill that plan. Old things and former things get in the way and cloud the view of the vision, thus, hindering your advancement. Work toward what should be the newness of your life and fully embrace it and you will shed the old stuff and run toward the new. Fully embracing your new, demands the release of your arms from where you were, the energy spent on the old now transferred to the actions for what shall become, positioning you to fully Occupy Your Promise. The way of fulfillment of your promise may be unclear and totally impossible in your view now but press forward to the higher calling, releasing what was and/or is to reach for and receive the new.

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