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And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

John 17:5

The benefit of our Identifying With God is that God Himself is revealed through us. Our willingness to Identify With the promise of God for our lives releases us from making it happen to God’s responsibility to reveal Himself and what should be for our lives. Our willingness to flow with God in His ordered steps is the process for our revelation as a witness for God and discovery of the fullness of His power in and over life. God, before we ever existed, has already accomplished that which He has declared for our lives and as we believe and take action on that belief God steps in makes it happen. What should be for our lives may seem and appear impossible but know that it has already been worked out and God extends to us an invitation to participate with Him for the revelation of what God has already spoken and done. Occupy Your Promise with the assurance that what should be for your life and life more abudnnalty is done, finished and our journey of discovery is only the revelation of what is, the uncloaking of the stimulation of our belief and the reality of God’s promise.

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