Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
I Corinthians 15:58
Accepting God’s invitation to Co-Create our life with Him develops and expands our work to build a well-lived and joy filled life that profits not just us but also the world in which we exist. God’s promise of life and life more abundantly is both personal and communal. Thus, as we believe and take action on our belief of what should be in our world, our actions are not in vain. Often our minds, as a result of the difficulties of our life and the smallness of what we can and do contribute, appears hopeless and in vain; it is not, God has a plan and every step you take is connected to what God is doing with and around you toward His promise of life and life more abundantly. The challenge for you and I is to be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding, pressing forward to the higher calling and in so doing we, our lives are transformed to the likeness of God and thus our world. The world in which we exist and the people in our space are counting on our diligence that encourages their diligence and as we do our part of God’s plan we connect to create the wonderful tapestry of life and life more abundantly promised by God for all. Do not allow what appear to be difficult situations and/or small contributions on your part prevent you from Occupying Your Promise, you are a Co-Creator with God. Everything in your space is under God’s control to create a world in which God has prepared and ordained for “our” well lived and joy filled lives!