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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil.

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I Thessalonians 5:21-23

The power of God and His presence in our lives, personified by His Spirit, makes us one with Him and sets us apart for the fulfillment of His promises for our lives, His glory! As you and I decide to embrace the Spirit of God in our lives, we are Elevated from the surface of our circumstances and life’s challenges in which we are reconciled and set apart for God’s purpose and plan revealed in and through us. In the Spirit we have the ability to see beyond what is into what shall be, per God’s promises and equips us to make His Word flesh, real in our lives as demonstrative evidence of His power and presence. Our being sanctified, reconciled and set apart, are determining factors for us to navigate life’s challenges and circumstances free from the burden of our and/or life’s challenges and our inadequacies. Hold fast to what makes whole and blameless which Elevates you to see and pursue paths that steers you away from wondering around aimlessly and/or paths of destruction in which you are separated from God but instead raised by God’s Spirit to your place of promise. Today, Elevate yourself and be made whole by and through the Spirit of God, Catch The Wind of His Spirit and be reconciled and set apart to overcome and inherit all things promised by Him, making His Word flesh, real in your everyday walking around life.

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