But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33
The many things of life, including the challenges of life, often are overwhelming and clouds our attention and defuses our energy toward that which we believe should be as ordained by God. It is in the reality of the overwhelming nature of the things of life that we have to make choices about what it is we will devote our attention and energy and to do so making wise and appropriate choices which necessitates a space in which we receive insight. Elevate yourself to a space, position in which you amid all the things of life can make wise and appropriate choices from a place of insight, not just reacting but also being proactive. It is easy and convenient to deal with what is right now but it is a major challenge and stretch to engage what is with an eye towards what should be. Therefore, in order to Elevate beyond the reaction to and what is your lived-experience, you should always keep before you in your thoughts and processes the what should be. It is the Spirit of that which will become that is the foundational principal for acting, making wise and appropriate choices that are insightful in the midst of the circumstances of our lives. God has breathed into us and challenges us to receive, the wind of Spirit, the essence of Him hat makes us alive, not just to live or survive but to thrive in the life and life more abundantly promised. Catch The Wind of God and allow it to Elevate you where your focus is pursuing, thinking and acting toward the fulfillment of the what should be, the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, the fulfillment of God’s purpose and plan for your joy-filled life and it in abundance!