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He explained, You’ve been given the intimate experience of insight into the hidden mysteries of the realm of heaven’s kingdom, but they have not. For everyone who listens with an open heart will receive progressively more revelation.

Matthew 13:11-12 (TPT)

New Opportunities to circumvent the darkness and chaos that seems to challenge our press toward our higher calling are available because of God’s grace, favor in our lives. It is God’s favor to and for us to accomplish that which He intends for our life and life more abundantly that equips us in life’s challenges, allowing us, no matter what adversity we face, to have insight. God has given to you and me as a tool to advance, despite the odds, His Spirit which provides not only a peripheral vision for our lives but also a vision in which we see in what is, that which shall become, providing us a constant flow of New Opportunities. The choice to believe what can and should be for your life lies with you, therefore as you believe you have the confidence that what you cannot handle God has already provided whatever is necessary, as long as you are open and flexible to the leading and guiding of His Spirit. Go ahead and Breathe: New Life into your experiences and do so with the assurance that you will have peripheral vision and insight, equipping you with sensitivity to see and seize New Opportunities for advancement in your higher calling.


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