For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.
Romans 2:13
We have a wonderful gift, a blessing from God, life and life more abundantly that is not attached to how great we are but instead how great and loving our God is. No matter how I am blessed, I realize it is not deserved by me but instead is a reflection of God’s grace and my gratitude to Him for making all things right for me. It is true that all things work together for the good but what is most often forgotten or overlooked is that it is for those who love God and who are called according to His purpose. Those who love God, diligently pursue His purpose and plan for their lives, even though you may not be perfect, in fact, will not be perfect, God justifies, He makes it all right for you. Diligently pursue what you believe is God’s promise for your life and watch God reward you for your willingness to pursue it. Therefore, Readjust your life accordingly to align with God’s purpose and plan, and whatever stands in the way, from within or without, He moves and/or covers with His grace. Remember God’s grace is sufficient for you in and through every experience of your life so that you can Breathe: New Life!