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For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.

Hebrews 13:14

Our outcomes are achieved because of our intentionality of navigating life toward what it is we believe should be as ordained by God. What God has promised is sure and no matter what our process is to His promises, foundationally, we have been set up to win. In addition to our conclusion being assured, we too have been equipped with the essence of God, His Spirit to lead and guide us into all truth, the realization of His Word as promised for our lives. Therefore, we must be intentional about the fact that where we are now, if it is not where God has declared for us to be, then it is not over, thus, Catch The Wind of God’s Spirit, pressing and navigating our way forward in the pathway of life as God has prepared. Your circumstances may not be ideal, however, you have the power to choose to live and not die in your circumstances by taking action forward and upward to the calling God has established for your life. Do not settle for what is or what appears possible, according to earthly standards, Catch The Wind of God’s Spirit and soar to your place of promises fulfilled, your outcome has been establish in order for you to glorify, reveal God and be His witness, to Tell It. It is up to you to position yourself, including the circumstances of your life, for the fulfillment of God’s promises as His witness to Tell It, realizing there is yet more, choosing to press forward with God's Spirit lifting and carrying you into God’s assured and prepared promises!


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