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Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

Revelation 1:7

Our Harvest is assured and when we reach our Harvest-time; the revelation of God’s power, presence, and promises, it shall be seen in the flesh, the Word made real in and through our lives. The fuel of our faith; believing and acting in that which should be as promised by God, sets up the revelation of God in our space, causing an expectation, hope for the unseen to be seen. It is this fuel of faith that sets everything right for God to be made real in our lives as well as our spaces as a witness to who God is, His omnipresence in life and life’’s experiences, and His realness as a promise-keeper. Your Harvest is God’s opportunity to be revealed to you as well as everything and every one of your space and God chose you as His vessel of faith to set the stage for His appearing and revelation. You cannot loose with God, your seedtime is only preparation, work your Harvest hands and the Spirit of God leading and guiding, sets the stage for God’s revelation in and through your life. Catch The Wind of God’s Spirit and walk into your invited role of co-creator for the revelation of God in the world and what appears to be your Harvest, things, is revealed only as the bonus, your real Harvest will be the revelation of God to you and to everything and every one of your space.


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