Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
II Peter 3:13
As children of God and inheritors of His promises for life and life more abundantly we never settle for less, we believe there is always more, and with God, we make room for the more. Therefore, it should not be in our nature, your nature as an inheritor of God’s promises to settle, You Better Than This, press for the higher calling, and in doing so you Open Up The Way to life and life abundantly. Looking for new heavens and new earths is the commanded attitude that we must have, believing every round goes higher which reveals more and more of God, and God reveals more and more of the fearfully and wonderfully created you. Do not be afraid of your own shadow and allow it to be an obstacle, rather view it as an indication that there is more before you, Open Up The Way to your new, the more, the life and life more abundantly!