Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee:
he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.
Psalm 55:22
With God, you and I have a security blanket that allows us to always have a default position in order for us to win. As we engage in life and its challenges, we have been Chosen, built for our journey, and when we are weak, lack capacity, or the ability to overcome, our extra strength and power kick in from God. God has promised us as we seek to live in His purpose and will, our Chosen-ness, He has our back; His grace is sufficient, His goodness and mercy follow us and thus, we can cast it all on Him, making His strength perfect in our weakness. God’s strength made perfect in us is His light; presence, power, and promises fulfilled, shining through us as the symbol of His sovereignty, our Most Favored Status.