As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.
John 17:18-19
We stand equipped with the truth of God’s Word which has sanctified us and our spaces to receive that which He has declared for our lives. God’s Word not only produces, but also transforms everything and everybody in our space to come into alignment with His purpose and plan. God’s Word actually Reframe Your Issues so that what appeared impossible now has become possible, His Word becoming flesh, real in your life and experiences. Christ’s sacrifice on the cross was not just so you and I would be reconciled, made one with God and HIs Word, but also all of creation, everything and everybody, regardless of whether they believe or not. All things have been subjected to God the Creator and made available to us through the sacrifice of Christ which sanctifies all things. The challenge is for us to believe and thus take action and as we do, we make our way down the runaway of life, our experiences for takeoff to Soar. Go ahead and takeoff, no matter what your experiences look like or how difficult they may appear, God’s Word will Reframe Your Issues for His Word sanctifies your experiences, you and everything about it, so that you win, Soar into the fulfillment of God’s promises for your life!