Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Philippians 2:2-5
The joy of our relationship with Christ is fulfilled as we choose to be His witness, not just in religious settings, but also in our everyday walking around life; making God’s Word flesh, real. The joy we experience because of our relationship with Christ is that we become more like Him, Elevated beyond the status quo of our lives to the promises of life and life more abundantly realized by our willingness, in all things, to operate in the Spirit and allow that to be seen and revealed in our spaces. The Spirit of God which resides in everyone acts as a compass, navigation agent through the challenges of our lives to the pathway of life where there is the fullness of joy and at God’s right hand, position of favor, pleasures forevermore. In the Spirit we operate from a position of power and once that power is released in us we are God’s demonstrative evidence of His promises fulfilled in those who would release to the Spirit of God. Seek to be like Christ and Catch The Wind of God’s Spirit which makes room for the fullness of God operating in your life and Elevating you to a place and position of power. When we access and operate in the Spirit, the power of God, we make room to also Elevate one another by unconditionally loving, sacrificing of ourselves, will and way, to that of God’s to show, witness beyond the circumstances and actions of our lives, the power of the Spirit of God. Making room to love brings out the Spirit of God within others which will also allow them to be Elevated to their position of power, revealing the multifaceted nature of God’s power operating, making room for difference, experiencing the fullness of God and His power in others. Our ability to make room of loving one another which helps us to see God operating in difference, by His Spirit, Elevates us all to a place of one accord, experiencing the power of reconciliation to one another as well as in all things to the very promises of God for all of our lives!