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These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

John 16:33

Embrace your ability to navigate life, including its challenges, and overcome them to flourish. Embrace is to gladly and heartily receive whatever is before you with the anticipation that whatever it is will prosper you and get you to your expected end of flourishing. It is not the challenges which are the drivers of your narrative but instead it is your ownership of your life in which you choose to view challenges as opportunities to discover, exercise, and develop your abilities. When we give in to life’s challenges and/or allow people, places, and things to take the lead, we reduce our ability to discover, exercise, and develop our own power to overcome. The promise of life and life more abundantly will not just happen without challenges, it is natural to life, but instead it is the embracing of life in a way that anticipates victory through life in which we realize our own abilities, those known and/or discovered as a result of the challenge. Whatever is before you, choose to Embrace the fullness of life to flourish and through that lens receive God’s peace; harmony with His will for you to flourish. God said that His Word would not return void and He has breathe into us His Spirit and spoken into our lives that we are to be fruitful and multiply, in addition sacrificed His Son that we might have life and life more abundantly. Choose to Catch The Wind of God’s Spirit to be fruitful and multiply in your life and life more abundantly! Without question life has its challenges but they are not the end result, navigate life with an attitude of anticipation and flow in your overcoming and inheriting of all things promised.

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