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God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it?

or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

Numbers 23:19

What God has said He will make good! We as disciples of Christ, people of faith can count on the Word of God. As God has spoken it, it shall be. God is not one who can lie nor is He one in which He reneges on His Word, His Word has been given for the specific intent for us to believe, receive and act upon. Thus, as God gives we can be assured to rely on it and pour it out, giving as well. Our Power Of Giving is rooted in God’s faithfulness, to and for us, and as a result we can give with the same level of faithfulness, with the assurance it is so. If there is any thing people and the world are looking for in these times is reliability, trust especially as we engage unknown variables such as COVID-19. We as the representatives of God, stand at the crossroads of life and it is there in which we must trust, rely on God’s Word and pouring the truth of His Word to stand in the midst of life’s challenges and obstacles, making His Word flesh, empowering us as rocks of salvation, deliverance to one another and Hs creation. In our flesh, we too suffer from the anxieties and frustration of the unknown but as people of faith, disciples of Christ, we have the extra benefit of the wind of God, His Spirit. Catch The Wind and be the rock, the reliable partner with God pouring out faith, His Word that will not lie or will not return void, trusting and setting us free and thus one another and God’s creation to His promises of life and life more abundantly in and through all things!

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Pastor's Teaching   12:00PM & 7:00PM

(The Lord's Supper 1st Thursdays)  


Phone: 1-203-497-8101

Fax: 1-866-230-7659


The Springs of Life-Giving Water Church

375 Howard Avenue
New Haven, CT  06519

The Springs (Office & Mailing)

33 Lamberton Street

New Haven, CT 06519

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