As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.
John 17:18-19
To Live Prosperous requires our choice, decision to LIVE fully in the purpose and plan of God that yields our abundant harvest of promises. God desires that we would enjoy all of His creation and prosper in and through His creation. The question is whether we will choose to LIVE in the circumstances of our lives as God has declared. Our declaration is rooted in our faith, our belief that God is and that He rewards; He is there with us, wherever that may be, as we do what He has called us to do and whether or not we totally deserve our reward or it is hindered by other things, God will make a way to supply to us in overflow. Our cup runneth over not because we deserve it but because God is good, merciful, and faithful to us as we choose to LIVE on His purpose, yielding His promises of life and life more abundantly so we may Live Prosperous. It is God who has laid out His plan and purpose, go forth in it and LIVE and His promise is that you will Live Prosperous.