One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after;
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.
Psalm 27:4
Life and life’s challenges are opportunities for us to push forward to God and to His purpose and plan for our lives. It is not easy amid the difficulties and drama that life can and will offer to think or do anything but it is the very opportunity for us to Spring Forth in God’s promises for our lives. The difficulties and drama has only come to separate us from God; create sin in our lives. To combat sin we must be willing to walk in faith, the confidence of God’s promises realized in our lives. Real life is lived in diligently seeking God at all times, especially during the difficult and drama filled circumstances of our lives. We must have one focus, God, and in all things seek God and there we find our resting place to get through in order to get to the well-lived and joy filled life promised. God’s presence provides us assurance and insurance that whatever we face we do so not alone but in the fullness of God’s presence and power to overcome and inherit all things. God’s presence is our shelter, place of blessings, favor that provides us the out, whether we are in circumstances of our own making or otherwise. God’s presence with His favor allows for us to be real; candid and honest, trusting God and releasing our selves from attempting to make our own way but acknowledging Him and He promises to direct our paths to Spring Forth and LIVE!