For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
Romans 6:14
The reality has now set in that we are in a New Year, the Year 2019, our year to LIVE. What will this New Year brings is standing at your doorstep waiting on you to open the door and let it in. You have the power to choose, your life has been given to you as a gift, not because you deserve it or that you earned it, it is a gift from God that if you choose can be exceedingly, abundantly, more than you can ever ask or think by the power that works in you. You have a treasure inside of you, embrace, receive and use it to realize the promises of God for your life. The separation from those promises, sin, has no power over you because God in giving you the gift is well aware of your shortcomings and the vicissitudes of life that can and will clutter your view and way and yet He has already paid the price of the sacrifice of His Son to give you favor, grace. Grace is available to you abundantly, if you choose to take advantage of it. Taking advantage of your gift of life encompassed with grace requires your declaration and forward thinking and acting as though what is promised to you is yours and should be. You are no longer bound by what you can not do, what you don’t deserve, or what you may not have the capacity to accomplish, you have favor from God, it is yours, seize it and LIVE, Live Fully in the life and life more abundantly promised to you!