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Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world.

John 11:24-27

If we are to build out our well-lived and joy filled life there must be a belief, a faith that is both external and internal in what should be, will be. The more we can believe and act, believing internally and externally, the more we can forge ahead in the midst of our circumstances. It is one thing to give lip service to what you believe but it must also be internalized in order to produce actions and steps that move you from declaring to living in your life and life more abundantly. Christ, God is here and invites you to walk in His promise despite what it looks like. Identify With God’s Word for your life and receive. Occupy Your Promise by your Identifying With the promise, living and walking in that which is your life and life more abundantly!

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(The Lord's Supper 1st Thursdays)  


Phone: 1-203-497-8101

Fax: 1-866-230-7659


The Springs of Life-Giving Water Church

375 Howard Avenue
New Haven, CT  06519

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33 Lamberton Street

New Haven, CT 06519

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