Still, I know that God lives—the One who gives me back my life— and eventually he’ll take his stand on earth. And I’ll see him—even though I get skinned alive!— see God myself, with my very own eyes. Oh, how I long for that day!
Job 19:25-27 (The Message)
Often life will leave you thinking that all is lost and that there is absolutely no hope for things to get better. However, when you decide to Identify With God and His purpose for your life you focus not on the temporal but instead on that which is eternal, the very promises of God, the assured long-term outcome. Identifying With God allows for you to divert your attention and energies away from the negative and even the negative report of others and rely on God and His Word for your life. Relying on God’s Word for your life reminds you that it is God’s purpose you are fulfilling on behalf of God and God is faithful to redeem, reconcile, and restore you through any and all things. God will not fail, His name is at stake, trust Him, His Word to come to pass. Occupy Your Promise with your identity and attention on God and Identifying With His promise for your life and you will overcome because it’s is God’s plan and purpose!