But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Hebrews 11:6
Fully Occupy your circumstances as if the circumstances have the keys to unlock the door to your life and life more abundantly. The circumstances of your life creates experiences that uncovers the power of God to and within you, building your confidence to step out of the boat of your comfortable life into the waters of life and life more abundantly, walking on water. God has designed your journey specifically for you and with the journey He has equipped you and provided the necessary opportunities and possibilities for you to overcome and inherit His promise of a well-lived and joy filled life. Go to Him, meaning pursue His path fully through the circumstances of your life and believe Him for what He said should be. As you Fully Occupy the circumstances of your life, diligently pursuing His promise for your life, God rewards you. Occupy Your Promise as if your life depended upon it, it does, your life and life more abundantly rewarded to you for not getting it or doing it perfectly but diligently pursuing it with all of you!