He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.
Proverbs 22:9
God challenges you and I to cheerfully give of ourselves fully toward that which should be in our lives as a witness of who He is and what He will do in and through us! Your circumstances are simply the things of life that both make you and attempt to deter you from living in the promises of God. As you fully Engageyou bring to bear God and what He has favored you and your life with, revealing His power and presence in His fullness. See the circumstances through God’s eyes, manifested in what He has so graciously given you and watch God turn it all around for your good. God knew and knows what your journey will be and has made you more than able to handle and Engagein such a way that you overcome and inherit all things. Occupy Your Promisethrough the eyes of the Lord who makes the impossible possible and the difficult easy because of who He is and His manifested presence in and through you as His witness!