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He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord;

and that which he hath given will he pay him again.

Proverbs 19:17

Generously and unselfishly giving positions you to care for people, places, and things, out of your abundance. Your caring for the things of your life with your full potential helps you navigate them to that which God purposed and planned for your life. Our life and life more abundantly is inextricably tied to our willingness to be fully present in our circumstances, watching and pursuing that which God has ordered for our lives. Engagefully your circumstance lending all of you, enriching that which is around you but also illuminating the path that God has ordered for your life. Occupy Your Promiseby giving fully of you to the circumstances of your life, enriching and receiving the greater than that God has and is making available to and for your well-lived and joy filled life!

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