So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
Hebrews 13:6
Taking Possession of God’s promises for your life can be very intimidating as they challenge you and your space to live up to the promises. It is easy to desire the promises for our lives and want them to come to you and to fit into where you and your present context but God’s promises have come to raise you to everything God intends for your life. The challenges of your promises are God’s vehicles to mature you to the full stature of Christ, the original intent of God’s creation for humankind. The challenge of becoming what God intends is attacked in our minds, fearing that we cannot accomplish what God intends because we lack the capacity and/or ability to overcome the very obstacles before us. However, God has sent The Spirit to assist us as we decide to choose the life and life more abundantly promised by blowing and pushing us forward where we lack the wherewithal to do or overcome. The Spirit’s assignment to and for our lives is to give us power beyond our capacities and/or abilities to overcome and inherit all things, God’s promises for our lives. As you Take Possession and allow The Spirit to lift you, raise you to your potential you fully embrace your promises and live in God’s abundance, Occupying Your Promise!