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We can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into his very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

II Corinthians 3:18 (TPT)

The process of seizing the life and life more abundantly promised to us, demands transformation. Change is not sufficient for what is the abundance of God’s promises fulfilled in our lives but instead to move to a deeper and more meaningful transformation from who we were to whom we can and should become. God created each of us with a specific purpose and plan that is a part of the larger framework of God’s work in and through His creation, thus, as we journey through life, with its challenges that seek to separate us from the light of truth, we must be willing to Readjust. Readjust your life so that the challenges of life that have left residue causing you to fall out of alignment with your life’s purpose and plan, press past the veil of darkness and chaos in order to co-create with God His intended heaven and earth for you. When we willingly take up the cause to align ourselves, press past our challenges, we see clearly God's revelation for our lives and the pathway to Breathe: New Life, seize His promises for our life and life more abundantly!


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