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If I must needs glory, I will glory of the things which concern mine infirmities.

II Corinthians 11:30

Deliverance rest on our desire and subsequent choices to turn from the way we are headed to a new direction that leads to the path of our life and life more abundantly. The revelation, if not the recognition of what is broken in your life leads to the desire to fix it and get it right for you to press forward with your maximum capacity to your abundance. The brokenness of our lives, if carried, will continue to deteriorate and affect the rest, causing us to be on a slow road of demise, turn quickly to seek Deliverance by choosing to be free from whatever the brokenness is and free to that which will create new life. Cry out until God and in your crying out to Him, His light shines on you, including your brokenness, beginning the process of your Deliverance. Do not allow the fear and/or shame within you to hinder you from turning the light onto your brokenness, boldly go before the throne of God with your issues, and let the light of God scatter your darkness and bring Deliverance to you! Today, Breathe: New Life by recognizing your brokenness, revealing it to yourself and God, and watch God scatter your darkness with the light of His promise, your Word of truth, your Deliverance!


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