Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
Galatians 5:1
You and I have been Set Apart, special and unique so that God, in the fullness of His presence, power, and promises fulfilled, can dwell, habitat, take up sanctuary in and through us. God specifically gave us the right to choose to believe and act on His purpose and plan for our lives and with our choice to believe His Word, truth, we have been set free. Therefore, we are at liberty from any and all things so that we may be free to embrace the truth of God’s Word and make it flesh in our lives. No longer must we become entangled by life’s challenges and chaos that wish for us to submit, they are broken and destroyed because God has chosen us, Set Apart our lives to be free to flow with Him; His presence, power, and promises fulfilled as His Most Favored Status.