And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.
Hebrews 11:39-40
As you Reframe Your Issues, engaging them from a position of strength, you gain access to the exceedingly, abundantly, more than you can ever ask or think by the power working in you. God has promised that if you overcome, get through and over the issues of your life, on the other side you inherit all things and that must begin with casting your issues in light of where you are going, what you do, and why you are doing what you do; a position of strength. God is a rewarder of those who diligent pursue that which should be, those who are determined and endure toward the what shall be for their life; a position of strength. Reframe Your Issues by focusing your time and energy on your expectation of the what shall be for your life in as well as taking appropriate actions, the fuel required will get you to those expectations through your issues in order to live in God’s promises for your life. As you fix your time and energy in your issue toward your objective, what would be a distractor and/or destroyer will be managed and/or overcome. Remember, God’s grace is sufficient in all things, for in your weakness His strength is made perfect. Go ahead and Soar, rise in the promises of God for your life, overcoming your issues not because you are always strong and/or have what it takes, but instead because of your favor and the presence of God dwelling in your life, lifting you and causing you to Soar. Obtain your good report because you press forward, undeterred, in God’s promises for your life, diligently pursuing them, despite and in spite of life’s issues, and as promised, you will receive the abundance of life, the fullness of joy, your cup running over.